Oct 12, 2021

Mahanagar Gas Hikes CNG and PNG Prices

Mahanagar Gas Limited (MGL) has increased the retail pricing of CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) and domestic PNG (Piped Natural Gas) by Rs 2 on each with immediate effect, the natural gas distributor firm said on Monday.

The company said in a statement that the increase in supply cost has forced MGL to increase its base price of CNG and PNG by Rs 20 per kg and Rs 2 per SCM (Standard Cubic Meter), respectively.

Though the price of re-gasified liquefied natural gas is at historically high levels which has resulted significant increase in the cost of gas being procured by the company. This increased in the cost of supply has forced the natural gas distributor to revise its price on a progressive manner as the rate hike from the supply side is too high to be passed on at one go, MGL added.

The revised prices of CNG and PNG are inclusive of all the taxes and will be Rs 54.57 per kg and Rs 32.67 per SCM respectively, for Slab 1 customers in and around the areas of Mumbai and Rs 38.27 per SCM for Slab 2 customers. On comparing with the new prices, CNG is almost cheaper by 65% to petrol price and 44% in case of diesel while domestic PNG is 34% cheaper than LPG.
